Sireen Irsheid

Sireen Irsheid

Social structures entrenched in racism and social inequality systematically fail students of color. Sireen is primarily interested in examining how these structural and contextual dynamics impact factors contributing to health and education inequities. She believes it is important to develop a deep understanding of the root causes of inequity and systemic issues in order to build education and health policy solutions. Through her scholarship and research, Sireen endeavors to create equitable schools and communities that will improve student school success, increase graduation rates nationwide, and improve the overall well-being and life satisfaction of youth and families who reside in high stressed communities impacted by trauma.

Sireen’s passion to understand the complex intersection between structural inequality, health and education is fueled by her personal and professional experiences. She is a first-generation college student who grew up in an underserved community. Her spiritual foundation and strong family support system gave her momentum to persevere in the face of inequities. Likewise, her extensive clinical practice experience as a school social worker serving underrepresented students of color has further reinforced her commitment to continue to challenge prevailing systemic mechanisms that perpetuate health and education inequities.


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