Michelle Kephart

To promote the inclusion of people with disability (PWD) in the nursing profession, Michelle’s research interests focus on barriers to acceptance and academic progression of nursing students with disability, career success of nurses with disability, and the dismantling of structural ableism that informs policies governing nursing education programs. The nursing profession often overlooks PWD as a population that can provide safe and effective care while contributing advanced problem-solving skills, creativity, and innovation. By improving the representation and perceptions of PWD in nursing schools, our future nurses will be better equipped to advocate for much-needed change in the healthcare provided to PWD. Just as improvements for PWD to access our built environments benefit the whole community, improvements to healthcare for PWD will ultimately improve healthcare for everyone.

As a disabled nurse and educator, Michelle recognizes the ableism built into the nursing culture and curriculum contributing to healthcare inequities. She hopes her research removes barriers for PWD to pursue careers in nursing and promotes a world where all people are seen as valuable individuals with the right to a healthy life.


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