Meriam Salem

In her study of the encroachment of national security in healthcare, Meriam investigates the implications of securitization practices on our mental healthcare systems. Her research examines the emergence of these policy frameworks and their impacts on disability and marginalized populations. She aims for her work to inform interventions that address disparities and explore scalable holistic solutions, advocating for policies that safeguard rights and wellbeing. As an early-career sociologist specializing in ethnographic and qualitative methods, Meriam brings a unique skillset to her research by uncovering the underlying social mechanisms and patterns that produce disability and inequity in our healthcare system. Ultimately, she aims for her work to reduce health disparities in favor of community-informed approaches that support resiliency and decriminalize recovery.

Drawing from experiences of othering in times of national uncertainty, Meriam’s research investigates the securitization of mental illness. Her county work provides insight into how care was remapped onto law enforcement. She aims to reduce health disparities through community-informed approaches that support resiliency and decriminalize illness.


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