Jasmine Hiroko McAdams

Jasmine seeks to understand and highlight the disparities faced by incarcerated individuals as a result of power outages in carceral facilities. She is particularly interested in studying the resilience of the electric power system through climate-driven extreme weather events and how such occurrences contribute to the compounding burdens faced by incarcerated individuals. She intends to accomplish this work by incorporating interdisciplinary methods across engineering, social sciences, and public health, and through coproduction with advocates and individuals impacted by the carceral system. She hopes this approach can inform decision-making across policy domains such as criminal justice, energy, climate, and disaster management.

As a native Floridian, Jasmine is intimately familiar with hurricanes, power outages, and their disparate impacts on communities. This has motivated her to work at the intersection of science and policy to ensure a sustainable and resilient future that centers the experiences of people who have been historically disenfranchised.


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