Corey envisions himself as an economics-oriented contributor to impactful interdisciplinary research that has tangible impacts on health equity. He intends to leverage economic evaluation and modeling to inform policies that address health disparities and that broadly improve health outcomes. Economic assessment and modeling can bolster support for innovative policies and interventions, such as reparations, safe injection facilities, housing alternatives, and the legalization of sex work. He seeks to use modeling, economic rationale, community building, and political savvy to foment change that improves marginalized individuals’ quality of life. He hopes his evidence-based research will influence policymaking driven by economic evidence, empathy, social consciousness, and an earnest willingness to be bolder.
As an African American, Latino, and Native American male, Corey constantly contemplates how marginalized and vulnerable populations and communities are negatively impacted by health disparities that stem from the social determinants of health. He is grateful that HPRS will undoubtedly enable him to effectively translate and disseminate his research to shape enduring systemic change via policy solutions.