Kobie X. Price

Kobie’s current research interests involve the study of historic and contemporary processes of urban change. His work seeks to understand how the processes of gentrification affect the implementation of mixed-income and affordable housing in these changing neighborhoods, along with the steps taken by developers to ensure that vulnerable residents are able to persist within their communities. Kobie’s current research looks to determine the effects of climate-based disasters on return migration and resident resettlement in neighborhoods most affected by said disasters. Kobie aims for his research to contribute to urban redevelopment projects, inviting policymakers to consider community resilience and residential displacement when making decisions that ultimately influence health outcomes for residents of these communities.

As a native Chicagoan, Kobie’s interest in neighborhoods and communities existed before his formal graduate training. Working with charter schools in Chicago influenced his goal of promoting equitable spaces for vulnerable residents. Through his research, Kobie aims to center issues of displacement and resilience within urban redevelopment projects.


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