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Apply your doctoral
research to build
healthier communities

“My experience in the HPRS program has significantly enriched my doctoral studies. The programming has given me skills that have helped further my goals of impacting policy change through research, equipped me with the tools I need to connect with different audiences through various mediums, and has connected me to brilliant scholars who I continue to learn from daily.”

Chioma Woko

PhD Student, Health Communication,
University of Pennsylvania

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about health policy research scholars

Health Policy Research Scholars is a leadership development program for full-time doctoral students who are entering their second year of study and are from populations underrepresented in specific doctoral disciplines and/or historically marginalized backgrounds. Examples of eligible individuals include, but are not limited to, first-generation college graduates, individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, individuals from communities of color, and individuals with disabilities. They want to apply their research to advance health and equity, and their innovation helps build a Culture of Health, one that enables everyone in America to live longer, healthier lives. HPRS includes scholars from disciplines as diverse as economics, political science, psychology, architecture, transportation, sociology, social welfare, and environmental health. We’re always looking for students from any research-focused discipline that can advance a Culture of Health.

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health policy research scholars dissertation grant awardees

All scholars in Health Policy Research Scholars (HPRS) are eligible to apply for the HPRS Dissertation Grant, a competitive award of up to $10,000 dollars. The one-time grant supports scholar dissertation research activities for projects that have specific health policy implications and advance a Culture of Health. Applications are reviewed and awarded quarterly.

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Leadership Programs at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Health Policy Research Scholars is just one of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s leadership programs offering high-level training and funding for people interested in applying their expertise—no matter what their discipline—to help make our country healthier and more equitable.
Collaborate. Innovate. Transform Communities.
Individuals working in every field and profession receive $20,000 per year to advance a Culture of Health—one that enables everyone in America to live longer, healthier lives.
Collaborating to Advance Community Change.
Teams of three—two researchers and one community partner—come together to use the power of applied research to strengthen communities, with annual support of $25,000 per person and a one-time research project grant of up to $125,000 for the team.

1-Column Description

the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

These programs continue the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s legacy of supporting the development and diversity of leaders. Initially focused on health and healthcare, the programs have been expanded, because we know that building a Culture of Health requires all of us in every sector, profession, and discipline working together.
For more than 40 years, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has worked to improve health and health care. It is working with others to build a national Culture of Health, enabling everyone in America to live longer, healthier lives.
For more information, visit WWW.RWJF.ORG.

2-Column Description



Over the course of the program, scholars will:
  • Participate in policy and leadership development trainings and coursework via online seminars and courses.
  • Receive an annual award of up to $30,000 for up to four years or until they complete their doctoral program (whichever is sooner).
  • Receive training in health equity, the policy process, leadership, communication, implementation, and dissemination.
  • Continue learning and working from their home institutions.
  • Establish and strengthen professional ties to public health and policy leaders.
  • Be eligible for a competitive dissertation grant of up to $10,000.



Upon completion, scholars should have the tools to:
  • Exercise individual and collective leadership.
  • Apply research and interdisciplinary collaboration skills to engage multiple sectors (e.g., policy, education, business, communities, institutions, and agencies) to effectively translate research findings that will inform and influence policy to advance a Culture of Health.
  • Use strategies to leverage diverse interdisciplinary networks of researchers.
  • Contribute to research and a national dialogue on the policy changes necessary for a Culture of Health.

2-Column Description (variation)

Health Policy Research Scholars is a national leadership program for doctoral students in any academic discipline who are starting their second year of study and want to apply their research to help build healthier and more equitable communities.

But don’t get hung up on our name, because we’re not just looking for students who do health policy research. We’re looking for doctoral students whose research has the potential to impact health and well-being: The economics student examining how the marketplace drives decisions that create barriers to good health. The engineering student studying systems that better support wellness. The agriculture student who pursues research while keeping an eye on how it impacts long-term health. The goal of the program is to train doctoral students to use their discipline-based research training to advance health equity to build a Culture of Health, one that enables everyone to live longer, healthier lives.

We need far greater diversity in future generations of researchers and policymakers. With more voices in the conversation, policies and solutions can be more inclusive and relevant to a broader range of communities.
That’s why we intentionally designed Health Policy Research Scholars for students from underrepresented populations and/or historically marginalized backgrounds—students whose race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, or other factors allow them to bring unique and diverse perspectives to their research.

HPRS scholars gain access to the tools, insights, and diversity of mentors needed to accelerate and distinguish their research. And because we know that pursuing a graduate degree is intense and time-consuming in and of itself, we provide annual award funding to give the scholar added research funds, or simply greater financial stability.

Alumni from this program carry the unique distinction of being a graduate of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation leadership program and become a part of a tightly knit network of visionary change agents across sectors and disciplines.

2-Column Description (variation) CTA

Applicant Requirements

Applicants must be:
  • Full-time doctoral students, entering their second year of studies in fall 2022, who will have at least three years of doctoral study remaining as of September 2022.
  • From historically marginalized backgrounds and/or populations underrepresented in specific doctoral disciplines. Examples of eligible individuals include, but are not limited to: first-generation college graduates; individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds; individuals from communities of color; and individuals with disabilities.
  • Pursuing a research-focused discipline that can advance a Culture of Health. Interested in health policy and interdisciplinary approaches.
The best way to see who this program is for is to meet the current scholars. But keep in mind that this is just the start – the experience will only grow stronger as new scholars from many other backgrounds, disciplines, and perspectives round out this growing community. Imagine yourself as part of the community!

Partner Call Out (all)

Health Policy Research Scholars is a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, led by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Our partners include:

Partner Call Out (Bloomberg only)

Health Policy Research Scholars is a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, led by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Partner Call Out (Partners only)

Our partners are instrumental in developing and delivering curriculum, providing mentorship and coaching, and extending the network of scholars.


See the Health Policy Research Scholars in action

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2022 Application timeline

*Timeline subject to change. Check back for updates.


National advisory committee

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Our scholars are working to improve the health and equity of communities large and small across the u.s. and its territories

Vertical Accordion (Impact)

Health Policy Research Scholars

Meet our current scholars who are collaborating to advance a Culture of Health. These scholars are leading innovative, discipline-spanning work across the countryand taking bold steps to change the status quo and achieve greater equity in their home communities.





Vertical Accordion (Simple)

Applicant Process Overview

Here is a quick guide to help you prepare a successful application
  • Visit the About the Program page to learn more about the Health Policy Research Scholars experience.
  • Review Applicant Requirements above.
  • Before you begin your application, you can preview a blank application to understand the kind of information and level of detail required.
  • View current Health Policy Research Scholars profiles.
  • Watch the 2022 applicant webinar
  • Visit the About the Program page to learn more about the Health Policy Research Scholars experience.
  • Review Applicant Requirements above.
  • Before you begin your application, you can preview a blank application to understand the kind of information and level of detail required.
  • View current Health Policy Research Scholars profiles.
  • Watch the 2022 applicant webinar
  • Visit the About the Program page to learn more about the Health Policy Research Scholars experience.
  • Review Applicant Requirements above.
  • Before you begin your application, you can preview a blank application to understand the kind of information and level of detail required.
  • View current Health Policy Research Scholars profiles.
  • Watch the 2022 applicant webinar

Related Feed

Health Policy Research Scholars is part of a collaborative network of leadership programs that also includes:
Interdisciplinary Research Leaders
Culture of Health Leaders

Graduate Call Out

Congratulations to the
hprs graduates of 2021!

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